I really thought that was going to be Kotazakura's tournament at the start, but some bad luck and some balance issues dented that. Want that Emperor's Cup soon, think it could become one of those strange prolonged issues if he doesn't manage to win one soon.

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I feel like he's going to get it sooner than later. Once he does I think the floodgates might open and he'll start winning regularly. We don't really see him choke a lot under pressure. I think he has the mentality to close the deal if he can get close enough. A lot of his misses have been due to luck or just incredible performances on the other side of the dohyo.

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I love watching that Ura - Terunofuji fight! And I had similar thoughts as the Yokozuna proceeded through the tournament. Oh yeah, still the best.

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Yeah, no doubt about it when he's healthy. I just wonder if this was his last hurrah and that's what gave him that extra pep in his step.

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Sep 2·edited Sep 3Liked by Tim Bissell

Tim, I agree with your comment on Terunofuji's mentality in this Basho -- he really really wanted it, and performed like a man on a mission.

And oh man, near the end of that Ura bout, he had Ura's left arm flopping uselessly, pointing almost directly upwards. It looked almost painful.

I will be rooting for Terunofuji for the rest of his career, however much longer it may be.

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If he performs like that each time he should be the favourite to win every basho for the next few months. Going to be very hard for Kotozakura and Hoshoryu to progress while he's still around.

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