Jun 27Liked by Tim Bissell

"he’ll get his licks in and then side step to create some space"

"This tournament was a lesson in 'You reach, I teach' for Onosho, with him doing the reaching."

"When he’s pushing he looks like a train on a straight track"

"Ura likes to create highlights more than he likes to win"

"Oho is a head-hunter"

I can appreciate what hard work it is to keep coming up with lively descriptions of what is, after all, two big guys trying to shove each other out of a ring. Not only your detailed analysis but your ability to keep these emails interesting is what makes me look forward to reading each one as soon as it drops into my in-box!

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LOL thank you. In combat sports writing we are always walking a fine line between trying to be entertaining, while not relying too much on cliches.

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Great write-up as always. Sad to see my guy Midorifuji falling, but I think he's reached his ceiling for his size. I will always be pulling for the little guy, but I think his days in the big show are numbered...

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Yeah, he's always going to be fighting an uphill battle against these giants. And his margin for error is so fine, that he has to be pretty close to perfect for 15 days to stand a chance of winning a cup. He should be able to hang in the top division for years to come, which is great, since he adds some great variety to the sumo viewing experience.

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