May 23Liked by Tim Bissell

Takayasu seems like the biggest "what if" of this basho. Without the missed days from injury, he would be a serious shot to win the whole thing.

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May 23Liked by Tim Bissell

According to Wikipedia, he's been runner-up seven times and has earned twelve special prizes: six for Fighting Spirit, four for Outstanding Performance and two for Technique. Also, he has won five gold star victories, defeating yokozuna.

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He's an incredible wrestler, but just so snake-bit with injuries. He's also very fun to watch, mixing thrusts and throw attempts like few others do.

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May 22Liked by Tim Bissell

I'm a big fan of Takayasu. If I was fighting him, though, I'd grab a big fistful of all that body hair and pull.

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This gives me horrible flashbacks to when my daughter was two.

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May 24Liked by Tim Bissell

From another former BE guy, Miguel Class did a cool analysis of Hoshoryu vs. Onosato (spoilers included): https://x.com/MigClass/status/1793321238581936255

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Miguel is a must follow for sumo and MMA.

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