Sep 14Liked by Tim Bissell

Onosato is a wrecking ball this tournament. I'll always root for Double Boob but another Onosato tournament win would be cool. Also it's been fun to see Kirishima doing really well and what is going on with Hoshoryu? Guy get the spot light and then this tournament he is just sh**ing the bed.

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I think Hoshoryu is trying to figure out what his sumo will be moving forwards. That's a lot of trial and error, so I think this tournament might be beneficial to him in the long run. I just hope he's able to rescue a winning record this month.

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What about Hoshoryu's callback for not bowing?

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He seems really frustrated with how things are going.

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I agree about Kirishima! And you're talking Kotozakura, the Michelin Man with caterpillar eyebrows? I'd love to see him win!

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That's the guy 😆

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